It's Sunday 4:46 PMThe Main Library is currently open
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It's Sunday 4:46 PMThe Main Library is currently open

Teen Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities
Main Library & Bellevue Avenue Branch

The Volunteer Application is currently closed.

In order to volunteer at the Library, you must be a 7th grade through high school student, and you must live or attend school in Montclair. You must inform the Youth Services Department if your availability changes or if you are no longer able to volunteer at the Library.

If you need additional hours, here is a list of other volunteer opportunities in and around Montclair.

During the school year, the Library will periodically host volunteer opportunities that are open to all teens in the Montclair area. You can check the Library Calendar to see when the next one is happening.

Teen Advisory Board

The Teen Advisory Board is currently full and is no  longer accepting applications.

The Teen Advisory Board (TAB) is a group of teens who participate in and influence the functioning of the Library, with a focus on teen programming and teen Library materials. TAB is a forum to have your opinions and suggestions heard, and it is an opportunity to earn additional volunteer hours.

TAB meets the first Wednesday of every month from September to May, and meeting attendance is mandatory.

Teen Volunteer Book Reviews

The Teen Volunteer Book Review form is currently closed.