It's Friday 3:47 PMThe Main Library is currently open
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It's Friday 3:47 PMThe Main Library is currently open

Room Reservations

The primary purpose of meeting rooms at the Montclair Public Library (MPL or the Library) is to support Library programs and activities. Library-sponsored programs and the programs of Library-affiliated organizations will always be given first priority in the reservation of meeting room space.

The Montclair Public Library makes meeting rooms available as part of its service to the community. The Library Board of Trustees recognizes that the Library’s facilities belong to the community and permits established groups and organizations based in Montclair Township to use the Library’s meeting room facilities for civic, cultural, educational, intellectual, or charitable purposes.

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Dimensions: 15×25
Accommodates: 120
Equipment Available: overhead projector, LCD projector, internet access

Conference Room

Dimensions: 15×15
Accommodates: 16
Equipment Available: internet access, whiteboards

Art Gallery & Display Cases

Montclair Public Library welcomes exhibits of interest to the community. In order to maintain our standard of excellence and to offer the greatest protection to exhibits and to our exhibitors, there are guidelines.

Download Exhibit Policy

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