It's Friday 5:46 PMThe Main Library is currently open
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It's Friday 5:46 PMThe Main Library is currently open

Assistive Technology

MPL offers the following assistive technology:

  • Audiovision to listen to news and special interest programs.
  • Use the CCTV table-top enlarger to magnify text in printed books or magazines.
  • Use the EyeSnap Reader to have printed content read aloud to you.
  • Use the computer enhanced with JAWS and MAGic software to have online content magnified or read aloud to you.

For more information or to schedule an appointment to explore these technologies, book an appointment with a librarian or call the Reference Desk at 973-744-0500 ext. 2235 to schedule one-on-one instruction.

The Library’s TTY is now NJ Relay 711 or 1-800-852-7897.

Montclair Public Library’s expanded services to persons with disabilities are funded in part by two grants from the New Jersey State Library and the Laraja Foundation.

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