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Enjoy access to free premium research databases from MPL and the New Jersey State Library.

In-library access: All of these research databases can be used by anyone in the library during operating hours, with no library card or sign in required, except for Gale Biography in Context and Gale Literature Resource Center.

Remote access: Most of these databases can also be used remotely using a Montclair Public Library card or New Jersey library card. This is noted at the end of each description.

Getting started: For assistance in using these databases, open a chat using the button located in the bottom right corner of our website.

Academic Search Premier
This resource contains indexing for 8,025 publications, with full-text for more than 4,500 of those titles. PDF backfiles to 1975 or further are available for well over one hundred journals, and searchable cited references are provided for more than 1,000 titles. Academic Search Premier contains unmatched full-text coverage in biology, chemistry, engineering, physics, psychology, religion, theology, etc. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

African American History Online
Provides expansive and in-depth information on the people, events, and topics important to the study of African American history. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

America’s News (NewsBank)
America’s News is a powerful online resource that empowers libraries to provide relevant information to a wide variety of patrons. With current content and deep archives from more than 3,650 U.S. news sources, it is useful for exploring a diverse range of popular topics including business, health, politics, careers, entrepreneurship and much more. America’s News features national, regional and local news content that delivers multiple perspectives on practically any issue, person or event across the country. It is the most comprehensive domestic news resource available. Features 60 NJ newspapers including the Star-Ledger and the Record. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely. Generously underwritten by the Montclair Public Library Foundation.

American History Online
Spans more than 500 years of political, military, social, and cultural history, highlighting the important people and events of the American experience. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

American Indian History Online
Offers thorough access to more than 15,000 years of Native American culture, history, and heritage. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

Ancient and Medieval History Online
Explores the pre-modern world with in-depth focus on Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, Africa, Europe, the Americas, and Asia. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

Black Life in America
The experience and impact of African Americans as recorded by the news media. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

Bloom’s Literature
Examines great writers, important works, memorable characters, influential movements, and events in world literature. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

Business Source Elite
Provides full-text for nearly 1,100 business publications, including full-text for nearly 500 peer-reviewed business publications. The rich collection of titles in “Business Source Elite” provides information dating back to 1985. Updated on a daily basis via EBSCOhost. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Consumer Reports

Consumer Reports (CR) is an expert, independent, nonprofit organization whose mission is to work for a fair, just, and safe marketplace for all consumers and to empower consumers to protect themselves. The organization was founded in 1936 when advertising first flooded the mass media. Consumers lacked a reliable source of information they could depend on to help them distinguish hype from fact and good products from bad ones. Since then, CR has filled that vacuum with a broad range of consumer information. To maintain its independence and impartiality, CR accepts no outside advertising and no free samples and employs several hundred mystery shoppers and technical experts to buy and test the products it evaluates. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.
Includes free practice tests written specifically based on the New Jersey DMV materials as well as access to the “NJ Driver’s Handbook,” “NJ Moto Handbook,” and “NJ CDL Handbook.” No library card needed.

eBook Collection (EBSCOhost)
Provides access to a wide selection of full-text scholarly, reference, and professional eBooks that cover topics including the social sciences, humanities, science, and more. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

ERIC (Education Resource Information Center)
ERIC, the “Education Resource Information Center,” contains more than 1,282,000 records and links to more than 314,000 full-text documents. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

European Views of the Americas (1493-1750)
Provides a comprehensive guide to printed records about the Americas written in Europe before 1750. Includes a wide range of topics, from the British/French/Dutch in America to natural disasters, religious orders, slavery and more. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Explora Educators Edition
*Click on “For Educators” at the top after signing in to access. This collection for educators provides access to lesson plans, student tools, curriculum standards, full-text articles from high-quality educational journals, and more. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Explora Primary Schools
Includes the full-text of popular elementary school magazines, children’s encyclopedia entries, and more. All complete articles are assigned reading-level indicators (Lexiles). In addition to articles, this resource also includes more than a million images, including photos, maps, and flags. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Explora Public Libraries
Designed for teens and adults, this resource offers an extensive collection of full-text articles from leading magazines and reference books on a wide variety of topics. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Explora Secondary Schools
Designed for students in grades 6-12, this resource offers magazines, newspapers, biographies, country reports, and more. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Foundation Directory Online
The most up-to-date, complete information you can get about grantmakers and the grants they’ve made. FDO is available for in-library (Main Library) use only, through either the public internet computers or the library’s WiFi. No library card needed. Staff can also assist you with more in-depth funding searches directly. Email for assistance. Montclair Public Library is a Funding Information Network partner of Candid.

Funk and Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia
Provides over 25,000 encyclopedic entries covering a variety of subject areas. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Gale Biography in Context
Offers a comprehensive collection of biographies on more than 525,000 people from around the world, throughout history, and across all subjects. Includes audiovisual materials and over 2.5 million full-text articles. Click here for a guide to getting started. Use your Montclair Public Library card or any Bergen County Cooperative Library System (BCCLS) card to access.

Gale Literature Resource Center
Provides access to a wide variety of literary resources, including author biographies, interviews, images, as well as full-text articles, essays, reviews, poems, short stories, plays, and more. Use any Bergen County Cooperative Library System (BCCLS) card to access.

Gale Presents: Peterson’s Test and Career Center
Peterson’s Test and Career Prep helps students and adults be better prepared down the road for both college and their career. Discover comprehensive test prep and career solutions from Peterson’s, a world-leading educational provider. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Offers well-researched information covering all aspects of human impact to the environment. Contains a collection of scholarly, government, and general interest titles which cover subjects like global warming, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Health Source: Academic/Nursing Edition
Health Source: Nursing/Academic Edition is a trusted full-text database covering nursing and allied health topics, including pediatric nursing, critical care, mental health, nursing management, medical law and more. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

Health Source: Consumer Edition
This rich collection of consumer health information provides access to full-text consumer health magazines and reference books. It also includes searchable full text for current health pamphlets. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

A genealogy resource by Ancestry that can be used remotely. Enjoy access to City Directories, U.S. Indian Census Rolls, Agricultural and Industrial Schedules, and more. Click here for a guide to get started. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Hispanic Life in America
The experience and impact of Hispanic Americans as recorded by the news media, 1704 to today. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

History Research Center
Find articles and resources on history spanning from ancient times to modern day, in addition to American Indian, African-American, and American history. Also includes a Curriculum Tools section for students, containing guides on how to approach the research and paper writing process. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

Job and Career Accelerator
Create resumes and cover letters, learn interviewing techniques, and prepare for related exams. Access millions of job listings. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Latino American Experience
“Latino American Experience” (LAE) is a full-text digital resource exploring the history and culture of U.S. Latinx people. Wide-ranging and easy to use, LAE is the first-ever full-text database focusing on the history and culture of Latinx people living in the United States. Its content spans from the pre-Colombian Indigenous civilizations of the Americas through the Spanish and Mexican settlement of much of what is now the United States to the triumphs and challenges facing the present-day U.S. Latinx population. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

Legal Information Reference Center
Providing exclusive online full-text for many of the top consumer legal reference books, “Legal Information Reference Center” contains more than 225 full-text publications and thousands of legal forms, with more content being added on a regular basis. A majority of the full-text legal reference books are provided through Nolo, the nation’s oldest and most-respected provider of legal information for consumers and small businesses. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Library, Information Science and Technology Abstracts (LISTA)
LISTA indexes more than 560 core journals, nearly 50 priority journals, and nearly 125 selective journals, plus books, research reports, and proceedings. Subject coverage includes librarianship, classification, cataloging, bibliometrics, online information retrieval, information management, and more. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Literary Reference Center
“Literary Reference Center” (LRC) is a comprehensive literary reference database that provides users with a broad spectrum of reference information from antiquity to the present day. LRC is a comprehensive database that combines information from over 1,000 books and monographs, major literary encyclopedias and reference works, hundreds of literary journals, and unique sources not available anywhere else. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Literary Reference eBook Collection
Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

MasterFILE Elite
Designed specifically for public libraries, this multidisciplinary database provides full-text for nearly 1,750 general reference publications with full-text information dating as far back as 1975. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

MasterFILE Reference eBook Collection
Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Middle Search Plus
This resource provides full-text for more than 140 popular middle school magazines. All full-text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles). Full-text is also available for thousands of biographies and historical essays. It also contains 84,774 biographies, 105,786 primary source documents, and an image collection of 400,972 photos, maps, and flags. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Middle Search Reference eBook Collection
Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Military and Government Collection
This resource covers current news pertaining to all branches of the military and government, offering a thorough collection of periodicals, academic journals, and other pertinent content. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Modern World History Online
Covers the people, places, and events in the broad expanse of history, from the mid-15th century to the present. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

Montclair History Online (Formerly Historic Image Database)
Over 13,000 historic images of Montclair Township, each with a written description. Browse through the photos or search by keyword. No library card needed.

Newspaper Source Plus
Newspaper Source Plus provides a full-text digital collection of the world’s major news content. It includes millions of articles from newspapers, newswires and news magazines. In addition, it offers television and radio transcripts and ongoing daily updates from popular news sources. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

Non-English Databases
Several databases that provide access to a wide variety of information including news, health, business, and more, written in Spanish, French, and German. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

NoveList is a readers’ advisory tool that allows you to search among hundreds of thousands of popular fiction and readable nonfiction titles and retrieve author read-alikes, book lists, book discussion guides, and more. All of this rich editorial content is crafted by librarians and reading authorities who are experts in the field. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

NoveList K-8
School media specialists, teachers, and parents interested in helping kids locate age-appropriate books in the library will appreciate the features and depth of content contained within NoveList K-8. Designed especially for elementary and middle school students, NoveList K-8 is an online database with fiction and nonfiction titles chosen specifically to support the school curriculum as well as the pleasure reading needs of students. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Contains records for more than 1.2 million electronic theses and dissertations from around the world. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Points of View Reference Center
Points of View Reference Center contains more than 380 core topics, each with an overview (objective background/description), point (argument) and counterpoint (opposing argument). Each topic features a Guide to Critical Analysis which helps the reader evaluate the controversy and enhances students’ ability to read critically, develop their own perspective on the issues, and write or debate an effective argument on the topic. Points of View Reference Center also contains a Curriculum Standards Module to help educators correlate the database content quickly and easily to Common Core, state- or province-specific curriculum standards. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Primary Search
Primary Search provides full-text for more than 70 popular magazines for elementary school research. All full-text articles included in the database are assigned a reading level indicator (Lexiles), and full-text information dates as far back as 1990. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Primary Search Reference eBook Collection
Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Reference Solutions (***formerly known as Reference USA***)
Use with library card
The No. 1 source of information on businesses and people for researchers, students, job seekers, business owners, and government agencies. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Referencia Latina
Referencia Latina, a comprehensive Spanish-language database, offers content from a variety of sources including 49,000 encyclopedia entries. | Una base de datos completa de habla hispana, que ofrece contenido de una variedad de contenido incluyendo 49,000 entradas enciclopedicas, más de 100,000 imágenes, 2,500 informes sobre la salud, un diccionario español-inglés y texto completo para más de 100 libros de referencia y docenas de revistas de interés general en una amplia gama de áreas temáticas. Use any NJ library card to access remotely | Usa cualquier tarjeta de biblioteca para acesarlo afuera de la biblioteca.

Regional Business News
This database provides comprehensive full-text coverage for regional business publications. Regional Business News incorporates coverage of 75 business journals, newspapers, and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. This database is updated bi-weekly. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Science Online
Presents a broad range of scientific disciplines through extensive definitions, essays, diagrams, biographies, and experiments. Also includes a Curriculum Tools section for students containing guides on how to approach research papers and science fair projects, in addition to a section for educators on how to conduct classroom science experiments. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture and Law
Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law brings together every statute passed by every colony and state on slavery, all federal statutes related to slavery, and all reported state and federal cases on slavery. The database also contains hundreds of books and pamphlets written about slavery. Slavery in America and the World: History, Culture & Law is available for in-library use only, through either the public internet computers or the library’s WiFi. If interested in having free access to this database offsite, register as an individual.

Small Business Reference Center
This database offers a wide variety of information on small business and entrepreneurial subject areas, common business types, a help and advice section, and provides information on how to create business plans that lead to successful funding. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

Teacher Reference Center
Teacher Reference Center provides indexing and abstracts for more than 200 peer-reviewed journals, covering a variety of topics of interest to teachers. Use any NJ library card to access remotely.

US Major Dailies
US Major Dailies provides access to the five most respected U.S. national and regional newspapers: The New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, and the Wall Street Journal. With print and online editions, the titles offer researchers thorough and timely coverage of local, regional, and global events with journalistic balance and perspective. The content is available by 8 AM U.S. Eastern time each day and provides archives stretching as far back as 1980. All titles are cross searchable on the ProQuest platform. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

World Almanac for Kids Online
Presents resources for homework, reports, and projects in a fun format while encouraging online research skills from a trusted source. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

World Book Online
World Book Kids (K+): An ideal learning resource for elementary-aged students designed to build confidence and encourage creativity with image-driven navigation and inquiry-based activities. The site features easy-to-read articles that can be read aloud or translated and a wealth of engaging games, science projects, and activities. Encourage self-direction with our visual navigation in Explore, independent learning with WebQuests, and compare and contrast skills with Compare Animals and Compare Places. Additional teaching tools for educators and parents make this a complete solution for elementary-aged students.
World Book Student (Grade 5+): A one-stop shop for cross curricular learning, Student includes translations to 100+ languages, a Biography Center, current events, research guides, and seamless integrations with Google Classroom and Microsoft OneDrive. The My Research and Citation Builder features assist learners in organizing and analyzing their findings. World Book’s beloved encyclopedia comes to life in a digital format, perfect for elementary and middle school learners to access information from trusted sources.
Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

World Geography and Culture Online
This comprehensive reference site makes it easy to study all aspects of a country, with facts at a glance and in-depth coverage through country entries, maps, flags, images, statistics, news articles, a gazetteer, and more. In addition, comprehensive entries about the U.S. states are also available. Ideal for social studies classrooms and projects as well as for general country research. Use your Montclair Public Library card to access remotely.

Let’s Connect

The Library will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.