It's Friday 4:13 PMThe Main Library is currently open
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It's Friday 4:13 PMThe Main Library is currently open

Early Literacy

Early Literacy Kits

The Library now offers Early Literacy Kits. Each kit is suitable for ages 2-5 and contains 2-3 books on a theme, as well as educational toys and/or games to reinforce learning through play. These kits aim to improve children’s language skills and vocabulary, build knowledge of the world around them, and provide a means to explore and ask questions. Current available kits include: ABCs, About Me, Clothing, Colors, Counting, Emotions, Food, Space, and Time.

Kits can be borrowed by visiting the Main Library or Bellevue Avenue Branch during open hours. Each kit can be checked out for 14 days (no renewals) and are fine-free.


The Montclair Public Library partners with parents and caregivers to help children explore and grow. Our services include programs for children birth to preschool that are developed to help support a growing mind, books, and more.

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