It's Wednesday 11:05 AMThe Main Library is currently open
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It's Wednesday 11:05 AMThe Main Library is currently open

Museum Passes

Museum passes are available.

Passes are available for Montclair residents with adult MPL library cards in good standing. Make a reservation with your library card here or contact or 973-744-0500 x2234 to make a reservation. For American Museum of Natural History passes, please contact us directly. See the full Museum Pass Lending Policy.

Note: When you make a reservation, the date you choose is the pick-up date. (See FAQ’s below for more details.) The loan period for museum passes is three days, including the day that you pick up the pass from the library. Each cardholder can reserve up to two (2) passes for the same calendar day; passes may be reserved up to sixty (60) days in advance.

American Museum of Natural History  *Temporarily Unavailable*
Free admission for up to 2 people.  

Brooklyn Botanic Garden
Free admission for 2 adults and children under 16.

Children’s Museum of Manhattan
Free admission for 4 guests (2 adults + 2 children OR 1 adult + 3 children).

Frick Collection *Temporarily Closed*
Free admission for 2 people. *Children under 10 are not admitted to the Frick Collection and children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult.

The Guggenheim Museum
Free admission for 4 adults, all children under the age of 12, and half-price tickets for additional guests.

Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum 
Free admission for 2 adults and 2 children into the Intrepid Museum, Submarine Growler, and the Space Shuttle Pavilion. *You must show your MPL card along with the pass to gain admittance to the Intrepid Museum.

Montclair Art Museum  
Free admission for 2 adults and all children in the same household up to age 18.

Morris Museum
Free general admission for 2 adults and 3 children

Museum of the City of New York 
Free admission for 2 adults as well as 4 children under age 18. There is also a discount at the shop and café. 

The Museum of Modern Art | MoMA
Free admission and priority entrance for up to 5 people. All children age 16 and under are admitted for free and do not count towards the 5 guests included in the library pass.

New York Historical Society 
Free admission for 2 adults and 4 children under the age of 18 to the New-York Historical Society and DiMenna Children’s History Museum

Newark Museum of Art
Free admission for two adults and all children in the household plus a 10% discount in the Museum Shops.

Yogi Berra Museum 
Free admission for two adults and two children under the age of 18.

* Please note that as of September 2019 Grounds for Sculpture has discontinued its Library Pass program. This pass will no longer be available for reservations effective immediately.

* We are frequently asked about why we do not have passes to the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the Whitney Museum. These museums do not offer library passes.

Museum Pass FAQs

Who may reserve museum passes?
Montclair residents with adult MPL cards in good standing may reserve passes. Only one pass per museum may be booked per card for the same day of use. Passes will only be checked out on the library card for which the reservation was made.

How do I reserve a museum pass?
Passes may be booked up to 60 days in advance. You must have your library card number to reserve.

How often may I reserve a museum pass?
You may reserve one pass per museum during a 30-day period.

When can I pick up the museum pass, and when do I have to return it?

Passes can be borrowed for three days. The date that you choose for the reservation is the day that you would pick up the pass from the library. For example, if you want to go to the museum on Saturday, the earliest you could reserve the pass for pick-up is Friday. The pass would be due back to the library on Sunday.

Can I cancel my reservation?
Passes may be cancelled by phone or by email.

When and how must I return a pass after use?
The American Museum of Natural History passes need not be returned. All other passes must be dropped off at the Main Library. The pass can be dropped in the mailbox labeled “Museum Pass Return” that is on the column near the book return bins in the front of the Main Library. Must be returned by 10:15 am on the due date.

What happens if I return a pass late or lose it?
If passes are not returned on time, the fine per day is $5. Customers will be charged a default replacement fee of fifteen dollars ($15) or whatever is set by the respective museum. Lost passes will be assessed at the replacement rate determined by the museum. Patrons consistently late with returns, or who lose passes, may be ineligible from borrowing passes.

Let’s Connect

The Library will be closed on Monday, Jan. 20 in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.