It's Thursday 5:25 AMThe Library is currently closed
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It's Thursday 5:25 AMThe Library is currently closed


Books & Magazines


Search our vast catalog.


We’ve made it easy to access our eBook collections online.


Our magazines cover a wide range of interests.

Digital Magazines

Browse our offerings with a swipe or a click.

Audiobooks & Music

Audiobooks (CD)

Search our collection of audiobooks on CD.

Audiobooks (Digital)

No CD player required—just use your computer or mobile device.

Music CDs

Enjoy our selection of albums from classical to contemporary.

Streaming Music

Listen to music over the internet.

Movies, TV & Video Games

Movies & TV (DVD)

Enjoy our excellent selection of recent releases and timeless classics.

Streaming Video

Watch movies and TV shows instantly.

Video Games

Search our vast holdings of video games available on major consoles, which we update monthly with fresh selections.



The Library has basic Kindles available. Patrons with a valid MPL card can check the device out for 28 days. Pre-loaded with over 100 eBooks and counting.

WiFi Hotspots

MPL loans free WiFi hotspots to enable individuals and families to take home the digital resources they need. Let us help you get connected!

…and More

Early Literacy Kits

Build your child’s language skills. Suitable for ages 2-5.

Library of Things

Borrow a variety of useful and recreational objects.

Museum Passes

Get free admission to a dozen local museums.

Seed Library

Seed packets are available to anyone – no library card required.

Interlibrary Loan

Interlibrary loans for items unavailable in the BCCLS catalog will only be processed for Montclair Public Library cardholders. If you need to place an interlibrary loan but do not have an MPL card, please contact your home library.

Your Personal Curator - Custom book and movie recommendations

Let’s Connect

The Library will open at 11 a.m. on Thursday, Dec. 12 due to staff training.